
1. 利用上下文线索
2. 利用词根、词缀知识
3. 利用同义词、反义词关系



4. 利用定义、解释性语句
有时文章中会直接给出某个生词的定义或解释。这些定义或解释通常是理解生词的关键。例如,如果文章中说“A barrier is something that prevents progress or movement.”,那么我们就可以清楚地知道“barrier”的意思是“障碍”。
5. 利用逻辑关系推断
在句子或段落中,词语之间的关系通常是逻辑上的关系。通过理解这些关系,我们可以推测出生词的意思。例如,在句子“He is as tall as his brother.”中,我们可以推测“as tall as”的意思是“和...一样高”。
6. 利用生活常识和背景知识

Time is short and unfortunately we are all getting older.There may never be a better time than now to have a meaningful conversation with your parents.
You sometimes hear people say that they regret missed opportunities while their parents were alive and that there were things they wish they had spoken about.Make sure that you seize (抓住) the chance while you can.
1.Can you tell me a story about your parents or grandparents?
Family history is much more than a family tree and a photo album.It is also a collection of stories which become your family folklore (奇闻异事).Be sure to have some stories about your parents and grandparents that you can pass on to your descendants (后代).
2.Can you tell me a story about when you were a child?
Stories about their adventures, hopes, fears and relationships with friends and parents can be interesting and revealing (有启迪作用的).Why not record them on video?
3.Can you tell me a story about me as a child?
Your parents will remember funny or embarrassing things about you as a little child.These will be handy when one day your child asks you the same question.
4.What is the one piece of advice you would like to share with me?
Your parents have a lifetime of experience and there are still things that you can learn from them.They may share something philosophical (有哲理的) or funny.It can pass into the family sayings.
5.What thing in your life made you the happiest and the proudest?
Let’s talk about the good things in their lives: their achievements, joys and moments of pride.
61.What does the underlined word “handy” mean in Chinese?
A.有用的 B.无聊的 C.手工的 D.无用的
62.According to the passage, _______ is the best time for a family.
A.to enjoy watching videos with your families
B.to enjoy meaningful conversations with your parents
C.to enjoy taking photos with your parents
D.to enjoy useful talks with people about different experiences
63.What are the good things in people’s lives in the passage?
B.Moments of pride.
D.All above.
64.Why do people pass on the stories about their parents and grandparents?
A.Because the stories remind people of their family history.
B.Because the stories are in a family tree.
C.Because the stories are about fears.
D.Because the stories come from family albums.
65.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Parents’ time is short, so we aren’t supposed to waste time.
B.We need to find some topics to complete a conversation.
C.We’d better catch each opportunity to have a talk with our parents now.
D.It is a chance to have a good relationship with families by having conversations.

